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Showing posts from March, 2023

Day 2

 This isn’t actually day #2, more like #4 but I forgot to log those days, so we’ll go with 2. My brain jumps around a lot between ideas and I have learned to just follow the momentum. Sometimes I take notes from a book, sometimes I jump into freeCodeCamp.. Today I continues with Ania ’s 12hr Coding Bootcamp in YouTube. See link below. I am only Agee lessons in, but I really like Ania’s voice and the way she explains. Today’s items:  37:52 Box Model 39:56 Colours 44:12 Unordered and Ordered Lists 49:33 Images 54:22 Styling classes as id's 57:07 The Data property 59:00 Flexbox 01:01:45 Pop Quiz 01:03:41 Flexbox website layout 01:09:43 Commenting out Code 01:13:37 Gradients in CSS 01:15:53 Box Shadows in CSS 01:17:18 Button Styling in CSS I know this is all beginner stuff, but I am always excited to see that I have understood something new. 

100 days of code

Carla Codes!   It has been years of trying to learn to code and re-directing my life. Marriage, children, responsibilities, life continue to get in the way of actual progress. I am hoping that writing about my 'process' and journey will keep me accountable and help me see the results I really want.  Feel free to follow my future babbles and rants about getting into coding and programming. Laugh with me, laugh at me, root me on, keep me accountable!! C. #100daysofcode #squareone #carlaCodes